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Discussing Body by Science Theories Of Super Slow High Intensity Training

Another "exercise related review" centers around John Little and Dr. Doug McDuff's book titled "Body by Science." The book is published by McGraw-Hill. The work is more than a book, it has become a way of life for many readers. John Little is a bodybuilder/ columnist for Ironman magazine and innovator of Max Contraction Training. Dr. McGuff is the brains behind the training practiced at Exercise Inc. ( McDuff's theories are supported by peer-reviewed scientific literature. McGuff claims, "If you are appropriately supervised, anyone can do this at any level of fitness."
Here are four basic concepts of Body by Science type of training:

1. Lift and lower slowly: The slower the better. Consequently, when lifting weights, lift so slow that it takes over 10 seconds to lift the weight and another 10 seconds to lower the weight. That is one repetition. Try to keep the set at about 70 seconds to 90 seconds total (4 to 6 reps.) Focus on a very slow and smooth movement. By going that slowly, the muscle is under continuous tension which causes fatigue.

2. Avoid injuries by keeping movements slow: By slowly accelerating under control, you produce a low-force form of exercise, reducing the risk of injury. Since sudden force unduly increases the risk of injury, by using slow controlled movements, the risk of injury is reduced.

3. Reach a state of fatigue resulting in failure: Perform each set to the point where you can't do the movement anymore. This will trigger a momentary muscle weakness referred to as failure. Failure is thought to be a trigger or stimulus for muscle growth and increase in strength.

4. Adequate rest: Training to failure requires greater rest between work outs. The greater the adaptive response, the longer it takes for your muscles to recover. The authors advocate waiting a week between workouts so that the body has fully recovered before the next work out.

5. Weight training has cardiovascular benefits: According to the authors, 12 minutes of high intensity weight training has cardiovascular benefits comparable to aerobics. The authors claim that cardiovascular benefits occur at the cell level. Consequently, this higher-quality workout produces a greater response from the cardiovascular system through cell adaptation.

6. Five major exercises: Bench, row, military press, lat pull, and leg press. One set each of super slow. Total work out time 12 minutes.

7. Little also has added an alternative training program called Maximum Pyramid training that incorporates a series of twenty second static holds as opposed to the full repetitions contemplated in typical HIT training.

McDuff and Little site science behind their protocol. A recent study also suggest that lifting light weights to failure also builds muscle. The study conducted at McMaster University has shown that muscle building can be achieved by using light weights if you lift until you reach muscle fatigue.
The key is to lift until you can’t lift it anymore according to Stuart Phillips, associate professor of kinesiology at McMaster University. Sounds simple, but in reality it takes a great deal of focus and concentration.

Please feel free to add comments about your own experience with any such training.

*Update December 2018:  Dr. McDuff's free forum has been disabled for over a year.  He has a website; however, the old forum is missed by many as it allowed a free exchange of ideas.  TUL (time under load) and limiting frequency in order to ensure recovery remains the main principles of Body by Science. A recent article by Dr. Ken Cooper suggests there are benefits to the heart from both isometric and dynamic weight lifting.  LINK

Fitness Tester


  1. I luv body by science.

  2. What have you learned about this work out?

  3. IVe done it for years and it works!

  4. good simplification of HIT super slow!

  5. I have read Body By Science and follow a super slow HIT exercise program. It works, but only if you maintain a reasonable diet and restrict your carbs!


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