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Pull-ups for Fitness

Over the years, fitness product articles have consistently been the most popular studies.  In this article we tested a simple device, a pull-up bar.   The cost was $19.  After review, the device seems very cost effective if used properly.   Let's review:

Isometric means a static contraction of the muscle where there is no lengthening or shortening of the musculature.  Flexing your bicep or performing a body plank hold are simple examples. Performing a pull-up or a chin up would be an example of concentric exercise when your body is moving upwards and an example of eccentric exercise when the body is slowly lowered.  Stopping your body with zero movement in any working position would be isometric exercise.

If you retract the scapulae while doing a pull-up or chin-up, you will recruit more muscle fibers as you fight gravity.  Adding this isometric contraction of the scapula will help maintain the rigidity of the spine and minimize the changing of spinal position.  This leads to an efficient force transfer. In addition, stopping your momentum during a pull-up or chin-up and holding it for thirty seconds helps strengthen the lower traps and rhomboids.  T-spine extension, also helps keep shoulders in more stable position.

Four subjects were tested for a six week period from October through December of 2017.  Each subject did as many chin-ups as possible and on the last one incorporated a 30-45 second hold after what appeared to be the last full chin.  At the end of the six week period, four out of four subjects improved pull-up proficiency and improved on a one rep max lat pull on a weight machine.   Recent article by Dr. Ken Cooper suggests that both dynamic and static exercise if helpful for heart health.

~Fitness Tester


  1. Awesome! Welcome back.

  2. Means a lot to know we can train without a lot of expense. Thanks for your objective reviews and help.


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